
(* denotes the corresponding author.)

Journal Articles

  1. Delaigle, A. and Tan, R.* (2024). Group testing regression analysis with missing data and imperfect tests. Statistica Sinica, 34, 201-228. [DOI] [Code]
  2. Tan, R.* (2023). Nonparametric regression with nonignorable missing covariates and outcomes using bounded inverse weighting. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 35, 927-946. [DOI] [Code]
  3. Delaigle, A. and Tan, R.* (2023). Group testing regression analysis with covariates and specimens subject to missingness. Statistics in Medicine, 42, 731-744. [DOI] [Code]
  4. Tan, R.*, Zang, Y. and Yin, G. (2023+). Nonlinear dimension reduction for functional data with application to clustering. Statistica Sinica, to appear. [PDF] [Code]

Submitted Papers

  1. Tan, R., Huang, W.*, Zhang, Z. and Yin, G. (2023+). Causal effect of functional treatment. [arXiv]
  2. Tan, R.* and Yin, G. (2023+). Model averaging for manifold learning.
  3. Gu, J., Tan, R.* and Yin, G. (2023+). Delaunay weighted two-sample test for high-dimensional data by incorporating geometric information.

Other Works

  1. Tan, R.* (2021). Nonparametric techniques with missing data. PhD Thesis. [URL]